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Are Silent Killers Lurking in Your Franchise System?


A seven year empirical research study into franchising success factors identified 12 silent killers that lurk around franchise systems and hold back success. However, there are certain things that you can do to identify and then basically eradicate the silent killers - so that you can get on with driving your network towards the kind of success enjoyed by the world's strongest and most successful franchise groups.

These silent killers can show up as disengaged, disgruntled franchisee partners. They can cause franchisee partner disengagement resulting in a reluctance to embrace and engage with franchisor programs and initiatives. If left unchecked they can create passive resistance, hidden agendas, and even open hostility. They can lead franchisors to the belief that they have no option but resort to the use of using coercive power which leads to erosion of trust - and further franchisee partner disengagement.

Silent killers can lead to poor decision making and focusing on the wrong priorities. They can blind franchisors to the rich know-how that exists within their network, leading to implementation failure of what could have been great initiatives.

As a franchisor, you are probably making some mistakes - and you’re probably falling into some of the silent killer traps – as are hundreds of other franchise systems around the world by the way.

The good news is that there is a diagnoses process and a cure for these silent killers. My research study identified five essential elements for success in franchising that make up what we refer to as the ultimate franchising success formula. This is the solution to the silent killers.

The outstanding difference between the high performing successful franchise systems in my research study and those in the lower performing range, is their ability to control these silent killers! But before they can be controlled, they must be identified. If you can learn to identify and subsequently prevent these silent killers from causing harm you will have unlocked the secret to success in franchising - and discovered the factors that differentiate the world’s high performing most successful franchise systems from the less successful lower performers.

You can find out whether there are any silent killers lurking around that could harm your franchise system by taking the quiz on this link:

What Are the Silent killers of Franchising?

I will write a blog on each of the silent killer over the next few weeks so that you can take a deep dive into any killers that you suspect of lurking in your system. For now here is a quick overview.

Silent Killer #1

Weak or Wrong Unifying Vision

This silent killer is all about failing to Fanatically Follow A Unifying Vision to Develop Successful Franchisee Partners Above All Else.

Examples of wrong unifying visions might be to expand into new regions or overseas, to become more corporate, shareholder ROI, founder wealth – these are all wrong unifying visions.

You can avoid silent killer #1 by adopting a single simple unifying vision that your sole purpose as a franchisor is to develop wealthy, successful Franchisee Partners. All other goals and objectives will follow if this Unifying Vision is in place

Silent Killer #2

No Appetite for Knowledge Exploration and Refinement

Knowledge or know-how is vital for business success in the information/knowledge age and provides the necessary fuel for your stars. In fact, it’s widely acknowledged that know-how is the only true competi­tive advantage that you have as a franchi­sor.

Tacit Knowledge is rawest form of know-how. I like to think of it as crude oil that first needs to be discovered and then refined before it is usable. Tacit knowledge is the skills, ideas, and experiences that exist in your network, the things people just do, because of the tacit knowledge within them.

Not having an appetite for seeking out this crude oil and then refining it so that is transformed into premium grade rocket fuel so that it can be protected and shared throughout your network is a serious silent killer!

Silent Killer #3

Franchisor Expertise Holds Back Knowledge Creation

#3 leads on from lack of appetite for crude oil. Some franchisors have so much expertise about the mechanics of their franchise system that they feel they don't need to go exploring for additional know-how.

Maybe they’re in a hurry to implement change and don't want to slow things down?

It is a sad fact that even in the unlikely event that a franchisor does know everything that needs to be known. They still need buy in from their franchisee partners in order to succeed - And franchisee partners are more likely to participate and engage if they feel their own know-how and expertise is being valued. If they are being listened to and if they trust the franchisor to implement the right systems and initiatives.

Silent Killer #4

Randomly Eating the Elephant Without Engaging and Turning the Engine Cogs

There are often so many things to do that a franchisor feels overwhelmed. It can feel like you are sitting down to eat a huge elephant. It’s big it’s tough and feels impossible! The secret to eating an elephant, no matter how big, is to tackle it one bite at a time!

But you still need a big picture strategic plan and you must still identify priorities.

Don’t fall into the trap of starting initiatives and then not giving time to engage and turn your engine cogs. This means pushing turning the engine of your franchise system and piloting it forward. The cogs can only turn in one direction, there is no reverse gear.

It takes a lot of effort to get the engine turning, but with persistent cranking, fuelling, maintenance and tuning, it will start to build momentum and run smoother, gradually picking up pace. Compounding your investment of effort.

Silent Killer #5

Lacking the Discipline to Follow Systems.

Some franchise systems fail because they lack the discipline to stick to and follow their own systems – or maybe their systems are just not robust enough. Successful franchise systems build a culture of discipline and follow strong consistent systems.

They have built systems that extend beyond the franchise operations manual. They have systems that drive franchise partner performance. Systems to manage internal communication flow. Systems to automate marketing. Systems to manage sales.

This list goes on. Creating systems is a core franchising competency.

Systems set expectations and provide clear constraints but also give freedom and responsibility within the framework of the system. To avoid silent killer #5 you must have the discipline and rigour embedded into your culture to follow these systems rigorously

Silent Killer #6

Not Understanding the Unique Interdependent Nature of Franchising

There have been many examples in franchising where specialised experts are brought on board, but they don’t fully grasp the unique interdependent nature of franchising. This can be a real killer.

I have known people who have had brilliant careers in the corporate world flounder when faced with Franchisee Partner disengagement. Specialised experts without franchising experience need to undergo a steep learning curve to succeed in franchising.

It doesn’t work to rely on the command-and-control strategy implementation methods used outside of franchising, because no matter how good your strategy might be, it won’t work without Franchisee Partner participation and engagement.

This particular silent killer is easily avoided providing that it is recognised and addressed. I remember my own steep learning curve when I started out on my career in franchising!

Silent Killer #7

Harmful Cultural Conditions

Communication is the Gravitational Attraction that holds your franchising system together, but communication needs a healthy culture to exist in order to be effective.

Signs of a harmful or unhealthy culture include lack of embedded discipline, trust, and mutual supportiveness, because this will lead to lack of collaboration and relationship commitment, as well as an environment that is not conducive to learning.

Harmful cultural conditions can permeate throughout a franchise system like a cancer, destroying trust, killing collaboration and mutual supportiveness, inhibiting learning and knowledge sharing and stifling potential

Under such conditions, communication fails. Disengaged Franchise Partners are unlikely to engage in collaboration and unless trust can be restored. Franchisors that respond to franchisee partner disengagement by using coercive power, put themselves into a destructive doom loop which could ultimately be catastrophic

Silent Killer #8

Lack of Rigour About Having Only Bright Stars Onboard

Silent killer #5 was about lacking the discipline to follow systems – silent killer #8 is a classic example of this. Many franchise systems have developed or purchased a system for new Franchisee Partner selection. The most successful franchise systems rigorously adhere to their selection system. They know that bright shining franchisee partner stars are their most valuable asset.

The lower performing systems compromise and allow new franchisee partners into their system that don’t meet their selection criteria.

To avoid silent killer #8, only allow bright, shining stars to enter your franchise system and apply a great deal of rigour to achieve this - And don’t just stop at Franchise Partner selection. If your Franchisee Partners are employers, they need to employ bright shining stars.

To truly shine as a successful franchise system, you need to consider all of the people involved. Not just franchisee partners and their teams. You also need the brightest franchisor stars, the brightest supplier stars and the brightest client stars to support your system.

Silent Killer #9

Quick Fix Financial Performance Gains at The Expense of Long Term Strategy

This silent killer can result in randomly eating the elephant as programs and initiatives are cut for quick fix financial gain before they have had the chance to engage and turn the engine cogs.

Silent killer #9 may also strike from a reliance on layoffs and restructuring as a main strategy for improving performance, or not having the discipline to stick to a rigorous selection system and allowing dull stars into your franchise system for quick financial gain.

Silent Killer #10

Not Applying the Unifying Vision Litmus Test

We talked about the importance of avoiding silent killer #1 by adopting a Unifying Vision of developing and replicating successful Franchisee Partners. This requires applying the unifying vision litmus test to every decision that you make.

Here are a few examples of Silent Killer #10 in action:

• Rewarding the sale of franchise territories rather than new franchise partner performance results

• Axing long-term initiatives to achieve short-term gain before there had been an opportunity to engage and turn the engine cogs to gain sufficient momentum to achieve the intended results

• Cutting support for franchise partners

• Offboarding high calibre people and either not replacing them or engaging lower calibre, less expensive replacements

Silent Killer #11

Resting on The Laurels of The Past, Or Imaginary Laurels

Resting on the laurels of a glorious and successful past can be a killer if you don’t realise that things have moved on in your industry niche and you need to do things differently. This silent killer often attacks franchisee partners causing them to resist initiatives and programs introduced by the franchisor to future proof the franchise system. Franchisee partners afflicted by silent killer #11 may passively resist change, become disengaged, behave opportunistically or even engage in open hostility and grandstanding.

However, remember that you need Participation and Engagement From your Franchise Partners in order to succeed so you need to engage in strategies to prevent this silent killer from causing harm.

Silent Killer #12

Great Initiatives Poorly Implemented

Finally, we have great initiatives that have unfortunately been poorly implemented. Possibly because they have been inflicted by one or more of the previous 11 silent killers!

What’s the Cure?

The first step in controlling Silent Killers is to learn to identify them. Subscribe to my newsletter and follow the Rise and Fall of Luminaria video series and see whether you can recognise some of the Silent Killers that essentially turned a great franchising system into a struggling low

performing system over a 20-year period of being infected by far too many Silent Killers.

Luminaria is the fictitious name given to a franchise system that I explored in a very in-depth case study that spanned over fifteen years.[1] It was the subject of a published paper and presentation at the International Society of Franchising in 2018. I explore aspects of the Luminaria story in my Luminaria Podcast Series and analyse what went wrong, as lots can be learned from it.

Prevent Silent Killers With This Toolkit

The key to preventing and controling the silent killers lurking your franchise system lies in building stronger franchisee relationships and achieving greater buy-in, engagement, and action.

To help you take action, I’m offering you my exclusive Tips & Tools to Improve Franchisee Buy-In, Engagement & Action toolkit. This free resource is packed with actionable strategies, including:

  • Vision Communicator Template: Clearly articulate the "why" behind your initiatives.

  • Quick Wins Tracker: Share small victories to build momentum.

  • Recognition Toolkit: Celebrate early adopters and inspire others to follow suit.

Don’t let silent killers hinder your success. Equip yourself with the tools to overcome these challenges and lead your franchise network to success.

📩 Subscribe to the Proven Tips for Franchising Success Newsletter today and download your free toolkit!

1. TIMMS, J. FRAZER, L., & WEAVEN S. (2017). Learning and development in franchising within the context of business performance. Paper presented at the International Society of Franchising (ISoF) Conference, Quito, Ecuador 2017.



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